Developments and Integrations SAP
HPS started as an applications development company over 14 years ago. Shortly after starting, it began with the area of SAP, and the integration between departments was key for the success of the company.
We are ABAP and JAVA developers, specializing in the development of Java and ABAP Webdynpro.
We are one of the first systems in Spain to access to SAP R/3 from the Internet, at that time via SAP Internet Transaction Server (SAP ITS).
We accomplish some of the first web environments with access to SAP using SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo), developed in JAVA websites accessed by calling SAP RFC. We then performed the integration by means of calls to BAPIs.
Currently is integrated with other SAP environments through the mechanisms described above and others like SAP XI-PI, SAP Proxy, SAP. NET Connector, Connector, and of course PHP WebDynpro ABAP and JAVA.
Having a development department (see detail), makes our integration solutions not limited to SAP's own tools, extending them to other environments, and developing such solutions based on Javascript.
We also give training to all levels.
We have developers proficient in English and ability to travel, thus meeting multinational projects in which we have extended experience.